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Price: $6.45
Uniswap market performance chart for the last seven(7) days.

Market Statistics

Market cap$4,850,278,295
Mkt cap rank: 23
Total volume$148,438,773
24h high$6.500000
24h Low$6.240000

Price Performance

Last 1 hour-0.0070%
Last 24 hours3.1937%
Last 7 days10.9966%
Last 30 days3.6301%
Last 1 year44.9460%

About Uniswap

UNI is the governance token for Uniswap, an Automated Market Marker DEX on the Ethereum blockchain. The UNI token allows token holders to participate in the governance of the protocol. Key decisions such as usage of the treasury or future upgrades can be decided through a governance vote.