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Price: $1.42
Stacks market performance chart for the last seven(7) days.

Market Statistics

Market cap$2,101,883,263
Mkt cap rank: 40
Total volume$18,709,926
24h high$1.430000
24h Low$1.380000

Price Performance

Last 1 hour0.5854%
Last 24 hours0.6910%
Last 7 days-5.3572%
Last 30 days-7.0786%
Last 1 year200.2428%

About Stacks

Stacks brings Apps and Smart Contracts to Bitcoin. Apps built on Stacks inherit all of Bitcoin’s powers. They run their logic on the blockchain with smart contracts, are controlled by code instead of companies, and are accessible to anyone. This enables decentralized apps to do things that regular apps can’t.