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Price: $20.18
Arweave market performance chart for the last seven(7) days.

Market Statistics

Market cap$1,320,918,321
Mkt cap rank: 60
Total volume$36,259,438
24h high$20.800000
24h Low$19.230000

Price Performance

Last 1 hour0.5812%
Last 24 hours-0.2329%
Last 7 days-6.7211%
Last 30 days-9.6220%
Last 1 year368.1159%

About Arweave

Welcome to the future of data storage A new data storage blockchain protocol based on a novel proof of access consensus mechanism that creates truly permanent data storage for the first time. Now data is finally permanent, low-cost, and truly censorship free. Arweave has solved the millennia old problem of decentralised data availability. Pay Once, Store Forever. Arweave makes permanent data storage a reality for the very first time. As the $3 trillion data-storage industry is growing, the need for cheap, distributed, permanent data-storage on the blockchain has become an urgent necessity.